Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Zeus calls a council and ships burn

Book 8

Zeus calls a council of the gods on Mt Olympus, and tells them in no uncertain terms not to help either side, if he catches any, he will beat them, and send them down to Tartarus. Then he goes to explain how much stronger he is than all of them put together, then leaves Mt Olympus to go and watch the Trojans and Greeks. The Trojans and Greeks are eating Breakfast, getting ready for the day, arming themselves. All the gates open and the fight is on, the Greeks fall back to their ships, and the Trojans manage to set several on fire. Hera is so angry Olympus shook, she inspires Menelaus to encourage the Greeks, and they manage to hold them. Soon darkness falls and both sides hold a council, then settle down for the night and wait for morning.

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