Monday, January 26, 2009

Odysseus rebukes Agamemnon, Hera Distracts Zeus, Hector is wounded

Book 14
Nestor Hears the fighting grows louder and louder while sitting in his tent with Machaon and Hecamede, he goes to investigate. Odysseus, Agamemnon and Diomed join him, and indeed, they realize the Trojans are fighting at the ships. Agamemnon seeing this again suggests withdrawing with the ships and men who are left. Odysseus rebukes him for saying this, and argues they sure stay and keep fighting or all or their effort would have been in vain. Meanwhile whose gods are again plotting and conniving, Hera comes up with a plan to distract Zeus, which she does, and her plan works for time. While Zeus is sleeping Poseidon helps the Greeks Nestor, Agamemnon, Odysseus, and the son of Tydeus rally the Greek troops.
On the Trojan side Hector again sets the Trojans in array, Hector and Ajax go at it one to one in front of the armies, and Hector is struck with a bolder thrown by Ajax. The Trojans manage to remove him the field, and for a time the Greeks push the Trojans back across the trench.

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