Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's been a hard day

Book 15
Back across the trench the Trojans stop their retreat, Zeus wakes up with Hera at his side, getting up he realizes what has been happening. He sees Poseidon leading on the Greeks and Hector lying on the ground wounded in a bad way. Zeus sends Hera back to Mt Olympus but not before he sends Apollo to heal Hector of his wounds and Irus to tell Poseidon to leave the Greeks. Here Zeus tells how this battle is going to play out; Hector will drive the Greeks back to the ships. Achilles will send Patroclus into the fight; Hector will kill Patroclus in front of Troy, Achilles will then kill Hector, drive the Trojans back till the city of Troy falls. Apollo heals Hector and renews his strength, Hector leads the Trojans on and they drive the Greeks back to the ships. Now the Greeks are desperate with the Trojans at the ships and the sea at their back and nowhere to go

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