Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hector and Andromache

Book 6
The battle continues to rage on going back and forth. Diomed continues to fight hard killing many Trojans, Nestor urges the Greeks on. Hector brother Helenus tells Hector to go back to Troy, have their mother pray in the temple of Athena with the other noble women. Hector then finds Paris and upbraids him again along with Helen. Being rebuked Paris says he will rejoin the battle, Hector goes ahead, sees his wife and young son; this is a very touching scene. Andromache begs Hector not to back into battle and make her a widow and their son an orphan. Hector says he must go back, he fears that his wife will be carried off into slavery to a far away land. Paris joins up with Hector as he talking to Andromache, and they go back into battle.

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