Saturday, February 7, 2009

Trip to Pullman

On the weekend of January 30th I drove over to Pullman to see my three kids, had a nice time walking around Pullman and Moscow ID, here are some photos I took while there. This is the John Mullan trail that parallels Hwy 26 for a short distance on the way to Pullman.
AWhen I got to Pullman my youngest daughter and I walked to my son lives, he was moving to a new place.
Here are his sisters helping him organize his room.
Later the evening Neil and I drove to a spot over looking Lewiston Idaho and the Snake river. Even with the lights of Lewiston you can see so many more stars than can be seen in the Seattle Tacoma metropolitan area. I tried something new taking a couple of night shots with my old Minolta slr camera
This was my first time at trying a night shot, in the future I may try taking pictures of the moon to see how that would turn out.
The next day,Sunday, Lorna and I drove the Moscow and went for a walk before I headed back to the west side.hhscThe next time I go to Pullman my son and I want to drive up to place called Steptoe butte to take pictures, and my middle daughter wants to go fishing on the Snake river. I'm looking forward to going again sometime this spring.

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