Sunday, February 1, 2009

Achilles greives, gets new armor, and the Trojans debate what to do next

Antilochus sent as a runner tells Achilles of the death of Patroclus in battle, and that Hector has his armor. Achilles is greatly grieved at this news, along with the women that they captured, in fact Antilochus fears Achilles may kill himself over this news. His mother Thetis comes to Achilles then she goes to Olympus to have new armor made for him. Meanwhile after the battle the Trojans are deciding what to do next; they fear that Achilles will soon be back in the fight. Polydamas argues that they should go back to Troy where they would at least have the protection of the city walls. Hector does not like this and argues that they should stay where they are and fight at the ships. Hephaestus makes new armor he Achilles, when finished Thetis takes the armor and departs.

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