Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Treatment of Hector and The Funeral of Patroclus

While the Trojans mourn the death of Hector, Achilles takes the body back to the ships. The other Greeks go back to their ships; Achilles and the Myrmidons stay and mourn Patroclus. Meanwhile Achilles treats the body of Hector with disrespect by laying it full length in the dust beside the bier of Patroclus. Then they have a funeral banquet killing many sheep and oxen. The Greek leaders take Achilles to the tent of Agamemon and another feast it prepared. When all had their fill they went to bed and slept, Achilles however continues to mourn over Patroclus. Finally he falls asleep in the surf and the sad spirit of Patroclus comes to him and asks to be buried swiftly so he can pass the gates of Hades. This went on till the rosy-fingered dawn appeared. Also in the morning Agamemon sent out men and mules to bring back wood to build the funeral bier. After this is bought back and laid in a line on the seashore, the funeral procession for Patroclus starts. The Mymidons lead out in chariots then those on foot followed behind with Achilles coming last. They reach the spot to build the funeral pyre

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