Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Achilles and Agamemnon reconcile

Book 19

Thetis reaches the ships with the new armor, and she finds Achilles mourning over the body of Patroclus. She gives him the armor, tells Achilles to reconcile with Agamemnon, and to fight with might and main. Achilles calls a meeting of the Greeks and the men gather, even those who have been wounded. Agamemnon gives back Briseis along with other gifts, and the meeting breaks up. Achilles is so distraught over the death of Patrolus that the other leaders try to persuade him to eat, but he will not. Finally Athene urged on by Zeus drops nectar and ambrosia on Achilles so his strength will not fail him. Then the Greeks and Achilles arm themselves for battle, Achilles horse Xanthus warns him of his coming death

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