Friday, April 23, 2010

Long Lost Relatives

My Mom had to move into a nursing home last month, as it turns she has cousin living at the same place that she had not seen in forty years. Visiting with Ivan I found out a little family history, two Oliver brothers, Otto and Herman there were more I am sure, lived just across the valley the from each other. Otto, my grandfather had five children, Herman his brother had eight, my mother and Ivan were born one year and day apart, Ivan being the older. When my mother was born, Herman had another son on the same day, needed help on the farm big families were common in those days. In visiting with Ivan he told me would help out Ott and Ella, my grandparents, because their children were still to young to help out much on the farm. He would go and cultivate the corn for Otto. Ivan and my mother are in their nineties now, Ivan is still pretty spry at his age. He told me when the staff is short on help they will recruit him to push around other residents that are in wheelchairs. I told him that is a good thing, he can push my mother around if needed. Getting acquainted with Ivan I would stop by and visit with him, and now when I call my mom I ask if she has seen Ivan and to tell him" hi "from me.

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