Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Walking around Olympia Wa.

The reason I go on long walks is to get ready for half-marathons, and last weekend there was one in Olympia WA, here some pictures.
packet pick-up was in Sylester Park in Olympia

We picked up our packets and pinned on our numbers.

at the back of the pack before the marathon starts

and we are off

Olympia marina and Olympic Mountains

heading out of the city and into a rural area

Took a picture of the guy taking pictures, had fun with that

A passing runner offered to take a picture of me with my camera

Olympia has neat older homes also

getting there

The state capital and surrounding park

These folks were singing as we walked by and they sounded good

On the final stretch
almost there
Sweetie and I after the walk, it was a fun day

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