Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Trip to Pylos

Book three starts out with Telemachus and his shipmates reaching the city of Pylos. The people of Pylos were on the seashore offering sacrifices to Poseidon, Telemachus and Athene, in the form of Mentor, make their way to Nestor. They are made welcome by one of Nestor’s sons, receiving and welcoming strangers it very important in this culture, after eating Telemachus asks Nestor about his father. Nestor tells of the hardships the Achaeans suffered while besieging the city of Troy. The loss of their best warriors, Patroclus, Achilles and says to tell the whole story would take five or six years. He speaks well of Odysseus, saying they always agreed on matters in camp and at the council and they did their best to advise the Argives. Nestor tells of his voyage back to Pylos, and about the return of Menelaus, his trip took quite a bit longer. When Telemachus and Athene were headed back to their ship Nestor was offended. He said no son of his good friend Odysseus would spent the night on the deck of a ship when he had ample cloaks and rugs for him to sleep on.
The next day Nestor has a heifer brought in for a sacrifice, invites Telemachus’ crew and they feast. Afterward provision is made for the trip to Sparta, when all is ready Telemachus and Pisistratus start on their journey.

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