Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Odyssey

Here are notes I made while reading The Odyssey, the Samuel Butler translation

Book one begins with a short history of the travels of Odysseus, the fate of his comrades, and his present situation, held prisoner by the goddess Calypso. The gods, except Poseidon, meet and talk about Odysseus and decide he should return to Ithaca. Athena goes to Ithaca to meet with Telemachus. They talk of his father and the present situation; the suitors are eating him out of house and home on the pretext of courting his mother Penelope. The suitors have been behaving shamelessly, they just won’t take “no” for an answer. Telemachus, with Athena’s suggestions, calls a meeting of the people of Ithaca, and decides to sail to Pylos and Sparta too here if there is any news of his father.

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