Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Two Parks and aTrail

Last Sunday walk took me to two parks and a trail, here are their web addresses;,Lakewood%20Park
The first park was Westcrest park, it is a Hugh park with an off lease area for our canine friends. Also the Duwamish green belt starts there with lots of trails, here are some photos.

Next I walked to Lakewood Park a couple of miles away to the south.

The park has a small lake, so there were the usual geese and ducks swimming around.

Then this guy flew in and it was fun to observe him.

Then it was on to Salmon Creek Ravine, there was no signs or anything, just a trail off the street.

The trail goes down the ravine, there is a sewage treatment at the end of the ravine, so it can get smelly.

Entrance to the trail at the bottom of the ravine.

Salmon creek at the bottom of the ravine

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