Friday, December 6, 2013


There are so many sights to enjoy while out hiking here in the Pacific Northwest, one of these is reflections off bodies of water. They are like a natural mirror that is found  is a sight to behold indeed.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Trees, Mist & Light
taken at grand ridge park
         One thing about hiking here in the Pacific Northwest is sometimes under just the right conditions there is this almost magical interaction between trees, mist and light. When the conditions are right it is a sight to behold, check out these photos.
taken at Cougar Mt Park
taken at Mt Si
taken at
 taken at Mt Si
Taken at Cougar Mt Park
Taken at Cougar Mtn Park
taken at Cougar Mtn Park
taken at Grand Ridge Park
taken at Cougar Mtn Park

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Yakima Canyon

The one thing you have to appreciate about Washington state is the variety of the landscape. On the west side of the Cascade Mountains it is literally a rainforest, moss hangs from the trees. Along with that there is Ocean beaches, mountains, the Olympics and the Cascades, Puget Sound, and the green. With the amount of rain that falls here in the Pacific Northwest, lets just say it is not green for nothing.
However drive across the Cascades and the landscape dramatically, green turns to brown, tress turns to sage brush, it has a rugged beauty all its own.

These are photos taken in the Yakima canyon area, as you can see it is a dramatic change, and it is a three hour drive from the Seattle Metropolitan area.  In future posts I have more eastern Washington photos to put up. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mt Si

After hiking Rattlesnake Ridge it was time to hike Mt Si. Mt Si is one of the most popular hikes in Washington State, on any given sunny northwest Sunday afternoon the parking lot is filled to overflowing. Part of the reason being it is close to a major metropolitan area, and the views on a clear day the views are quite spectacular, as you can see from these photos