Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Fight at the Party, Penelope Shows Herself to Suitors


Book 18 starts out with a fight between Odysseus and Irus, his real name was Arnaeus, being encouraged on by the suitors. To the suitors the fight was extremely entertaining, they howled with laughter as Odysseus hit Irus with a blow that broke his jaw and caused blood to gush out of his mouth, and dragged him to gate-house, this was a hard, hard world to live in. Then Odysseus sat down and talked with Amphinomus, he had some things to say about pride and humility, and warns Amphinomus to leave to go home before Penople’s husband returns; however, Amphinomus, sits back down at his place at the table after giving Odysseus a drink of wine.

Next Athene makes Penelope more beautiful and gracious to the suitors that they may be more enamored with her, and she talks with Telemachus about the suitors, and all mischief they are causing. When she addresses the suitors chides them for eating all her food and drinking all her wine, and she challenges the suitors to bring gifts for her, as is the custom of their country. The suitors send out their servants to bring back gifts for her, which they did, and then Penelope retires to her room. After which the suitors do what they always did, have a party, Odysseus observes them and has an exchange with Eurymachas. Odysseus manages to get Eurymachas upset with what he had a say, Telemachus breaks up the party, and the suitors go home.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Feb 21, 2010

Went back to Cougar Mountain Regional Park yesterday, walked a total of
14.52 miles
YTD total, 211.07
4836.93 left to go
Yesterday was one of those post card perfect days in Western Washington, quite rare in February to be sure. Many people were out hiking, families with young children, couples,and dogs, it was a nice day to be out, and the parking lot at the Red Town trailhead was full. Went walking along to De Leo Wall trial, which had good views of Mt Rainer, The Olympics, Downtown Seattle, and Downtown Belleuvue.
Here is a link to the Park's website:

Still many more trails to explore.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Last Week

Here is my mileage for the 11th though the 18th
2/11/2010, 5.76 miles
2/13/2010, 5.5 miles
2/14/2010, 8.99 miles
2/15/2010, 8.25 miles
2/16/2010, 5.42 miles
2/18/2010, 6.65 miles
YTD 196.55 miles
4843.45 miles to go
On the 18th I walked to my favorite spot to catch the sunrise here are a few photos.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feb. 4th, 7th and 8th

Here is my mileage for Feb. 4th, 7th and 8th
2/4/2010, 5.92 miles
2/7/2010, 8.00 miles
2/8/2010, 6.76 miles
that brings the YTD to
155.98 miles, only
4892.02 miles to go.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monday & Tuesday

On Monday and Tuesday of the this week I walked the following:
2/1/2010, 6.71 miles, YTD 128.93 miles
2/2/2010, 6.37 miles, YTD 135.3 miles
Monday morning I got up early enough to see the sunrise, here are some photos. The spot I walked to had a view to the east and southeast.

With the length of the American Discovery trail being 5048 miles, and that I have walked 135.3 miles, that leaves 4912.7 miles left to go. Many more sunrises and sunsets to come.

The Last Week Of January

Here are the miles I walked the last weekend of January.
1/24/2010, 6.03 miles
1/27/2010, 4.77 miles
1/28/2010, 5.09 miles
1/30/2010, 5.76 miles
1/31/2010, 10.38 miles
that brings the ytd total of 122.22 miles.
Sunday, the 31st, went walking on the Coal Creek trail, and Cougar Mountain Regional Park, afterward got some photos of the Sunset.