Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Odysseus, Alcinous and Arete meet
Odysseus waits in the grove of trees as Nausicaa makes her way to her father’s house. Odysseus gets up to leave, Athene covers him in a thick mist as he walks though the town. Then Athene takes the form of a young girl whom Odysseus asks for directions to Alcinous’s house, the girl says she will gladly show him the way. Then Odysseus reaches the house for a time he stands in awe looking at the house and its surroundings.
Then he goes in to where all the people were sitting, because he was hidden in a mist that no one could see him. Image everyone’s surprise when he lays his hands on the knees of queen Arete, and he suddenly appears out of nowhere. At once he begins to plead his case, when he is done speaking he sits down on the hearth among the ashes. In my copy, (Samuel Butler ) there is a footnote that reads. “This is the humble place, where any Greek suppliant for mercy and help would sit.” When everyone got over their shock of seeing a man appearing out of nowhere Echeneus begins to speak. Basically he says to Alcinous, you need to make this man feel welcome. This Alcinous does, the others in the hall go home for the night, they will have a bouquet for Odysseus in the morning. After all the others leave Alcinous, Arete, and Odysseus continue talking. Odysseus begins to tell them about Calypso, how he came to leave the island of Ogygian, and ended up on their coast. Alcinous must have been impressed with his story, because he wished Odyssey would stay, marry his daughter, and become his son-in-law. Nevertheless tomorrow he would take up the matter of getting Odyssey back to his home. Then its time to go to bed, Arete has a bed prepared for Odyssey.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Nausicaa and King Alcinous
Here we meet Nausicaa, the daughter of King Alcinous. She is sleeping in her room, Athene, takes the form of Nausicaa’
The girls go to the river and wash the clothes, when the washing is done the girls start playing in the river throwing a ball to each other. Nausicaa throws the ball to in of her friends and the girl misses catching it, the girls start screaming, like girls do, and Odysseus wakes up. Now what? Odysseus wants to get a look, you have to appreciate his dilemma, he is a grown man, dirty and naked. How does he approach these teenage girls without absolutely terrifying them? The other girls do runoff, but Nausicaa stands her ground, and how does Odysseus win her over? With words of flattery oh course.
“Oh queen “he said, “I implore your aid-but tell me, are a goddess or are you a mortal women?
“Most happy, however, of all will he be whose wedding gifts have been the richest, and who takes you to his own home. I have yet saw so anyone so beautiful, neither man nor woman, and am lost in admiration as I behold you.”
“And now, O queen have pity upon me for you are the first person I have met, and I know no one else in this country.”
May heaven grant you in all the things your heart’s desire-husband, house, and a happy peaceful home; for there is nothing better in this world than that man and wife should be of one mind in a house.”
Nausicaa decides Odysseus means them no harm and says she will show him the way to town. They let Odysseus take a bath in the river; give him some clothes to wear, and something to eat. Before starting back to town Nausicaa give Odysseus some instructions on how to approach her Father and Mother, actually she said to go to mother first. Also she said to wait a grove of trees for a time so she can get to her father’s house first. They start off, when they reach the grove of trees Odysseus waits there and prays to Athene. I found it ironic that Athene would not show herself openly to Odysseus because of her Uncle Poseidon, who by the way still wanted to make it difficult for Odysseus to get home. It keeps the tension going.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Walking around Olympia Wa.
packet pick-up was in Sylester Park in Olympia
We picked up our packets and pinned on our numbers.
at the back of the pack before the marathon starts
and we are off
Olympia marina and Olympic Mountains
heading out of the city and into a rural area
Took a picture of the guy taking pictures, had fun with that
A passing runner offered to take a picture of me with my camera
Olympia has neat older homes also
getting there
The state capital and surrounding park
These folks were singing as we walked by and they sounded good
On the final stretch
almost there
Sweetie and I after the walk, it was a fun day
Saturday, May 16, 2009
When we meet Odysseus
The gods meet again and it is decided that Calypso is to let Odysseus go home, and the messenger Hermes is given the task of delivering the news. We find Calypso at her loom, again proper hospitality is shown here, she gave Hermes ambrosia and red nectar to eat and drink. She is none to happy about the message Hermes delivers, but she will obey. Then we find Odysseus he is on the beach, homesick and crying in despair, he is at a low point. Calypso informs Odysseus that she is going to let him go home, he builds a raft, and she provides other provisions for him. When the raft is done he sets out, things were going well for the first seventeen days. Then Poseidon sees him, and he makes it rough for Odysseus causing him to almost drown in the sight of dry land. But make to dry land he does and sleeps under an olive tree.
Whew, it was pretty intense for Odysseus before he made it to dry ground, but you know he had to make it, the story can not end with him drowning at sea. A good storyteller could have lots of fun with book 5, especially at the end.